With love from India
This mango’s journey to you
1. We survey all the farms in India to find the ones that we deem suitable and get the soil tested in the horticulture department in the selected ones to get the certificate for European exports.
2. We wait for the second harvest to get more mature and tasty fruits to your table. These mangoes are cut in hook bags and placed upside down so that the milk drops down. They’re packed with extra care, layer by layer with butter sheets for the extra milk to be absorbed.
3. The packed fruits go through examination for the European standard APEDA grading where A+ grade mangoes are separated from the rest to continue their journey to you.
4. We use a new technique, Vapor (humidified by injection of steam) Heat Treatment for a healthy, reliable, and safe insecticide alternative to sterilize, protect and import our mangoes. They’re again graded, selected, and pre-cooled.
5. The last step in this heavy selection process is the Quarantine Administrators. The Administrators inspect each and every fruit physically and approve its quality.
6. Only after we find the tastiest of the fruits for you, we pack them and take them to the airport in chilled and closed containers.
7. After the plant quarantine inspection at the airport, the mangoes leave for the UK, securely protected and freshly preserved.
8. Upon arrival to the UK, DEFRA inspection takes place and the mangoes are transferred to our warehouses.
9. From warehouses, ordered quantities are shipped to local distribution centers – and from there to your doorstep